Birthday Parties
Our action-packed karate birthday parties include:
* 75 minutes of excitement, karate, games and FUN!
* Goodie bags filled with karate prizes
*Assistance with set-up, serving & clean-up
* Special VIP FREE-MONTH PASS for each guest
As an added BONUS, the birthday child becomes a BLACK BELT for the day and will receive a very special GIFT PACKAGE from us!

Partners in Education
At The Master Method Academy, we feel very strongly about giving back to our community in efforts that can help benefit schools, community groups and non-profit organizations. We also believe it is critical to support children and adults however we can to become the best version of themselves. We have therefore become Partners in Education with many schools in our community by volunteering our time and donating equipment, funds, and services. In addition, we have partnered with many community groups and events which benefit individuals and groups in need. Take a look at what we have to offer, or give us a call if you have any special requests. We would love to help!
Partners in Education Program
Fundraisers / donations
Before School Programs
Small group talks
Entertainment / demonstrations
Prize booths for fairs, festivals, international nights, etc.
Community Groups & Non-profits:
Free private seminars & workshops on a variety of topics
FREE Community Events
Free community seminars & workshops on topics such as Bully Prevention, Focus for Better Grades, Health & Fitness, Safety Tips, Goal Setting, Self-Defense, and more…

Corporate & Business Events
We want to help you build strong teams, happy employees, and a positive work environment. Happy team members will be inspired, productive, long-lasting and loyal. We can customize seminars and workshop events for your group, depending on your interests, needs, time-frame and budget. Choose from our options below, or ask us to develop a special program specifically to help you.
From 30 minutes to full-day
Private event for your group
Continuing education for staff, sales teams, managers, senior officers, new employees, leaders and support staff
Choose from a variety of topics such as building positive teams, customer service excellence, conflict resolution, sales & marketing, staying motivated & inspired, or a combination of several topics
Activities can be customized, choosing from options such as fitness/kickboxing training with the World Champion, self-defense workshop, martial arts basics, fun problem-solving drills
Hands-on, active, interactive and powerful
Focus is on building and strengthening bonds between team members
Share experiences that will create caring and loyalty to each other, which ultimately benefits your business
Master Marco has spoken to groups from small intimate gatherings to large conferences; dental groups to corporations; team members to CEOs. His stories and teachings are captivating and inspiring—he shares his experiences of his humble beginnings growing up in Chile with dreams of becoming a world champion, coming to the U.S. with $40 in his pocket, overcoming illness and homelessness to ultimately achieve his dreams. He shares the universal principles he used to achieve seven world championships, become an 9th degree blackbelt grandmaster, author, own successful businesses, become an award-winning master instructor, and most importantly—achieve peace and balance in his life. Select from the following topics or request a customized talk for your group’s needs.
”From Homelessness to World Champion”
”The Master Method–Steps to Success”
“Breaking Barriers-Overcoming Obstacles”
“Creating an Awesome Atmosphere”
“Winning Attitude = Winning Results”
“Positive Management: Why & How It Works”

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The charisma that Master Marco displayed in the ring as a world champion translates perfectly to the conference room or the board room. He is captivating and brings everyone in, only to knock them out with his message! Master Marco weaves the lessons he learned from his youth, his homelessness, his training, and his world championships into business and life-changing messages. The team at Horizon Consulting loved him. Thank you, Master Marco!”
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“Our team at RMR & Associates thoroughly enjoyed Master Marco’s “Breaking Barriers” seminar. It was empowering, interactive, FUN, and it gave us tools to strengthen not only our team but strengthen us as individuals. We even did a powerful exercise to “break through our challenges,” and broke a karate board! It inspired our entire team to find their confidence and inner strength. Thank you Master Marco, for a wonderful experience!”
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“Marco Sies has the unique ability to captivate an audience and get their attention again, and again, and again. Through his understanding of basic human behavior, he guides the listener through their own journey of personal growth. You will learn to apply the principles of earning seven world championships in the first seven minutes. The Master Method is masterful. Master Marco Sies is remarkable!”
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I am very grateful to Mr. Marco for accepting our invitation to speak at our Chakra Yog Workshops whenever we needed a special appearance. He has always left an amazing impression on the audience. People always ask for him… Whenever we meet, I feel a depth in his eyes conveying something very inspirational. His very presence is mesmerizing. He is very clear in his thoughts and speech–no artificiality, very natural and sincere. He is always offering to help and support, and every word he speaks means something positive. He is a life changer…
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If you are looking for a positive message to be delivered to your team or organization, I highly recommend engaging Mr. Marco. His life story and real world experience translate extremely well to all audiences with easy to follow steps to get your group focused and on the same page. The best part of listening to Mr. Marco speak is that his message comes from the heart, is original and genuine and easy to apply.
What People Say
Rishi Hans - Owner, Good Luck USA
Dr. Joe Kravitz - Author
Rishi Hans - Owner, Good Luck USA
Robyn Sachs President - RMR & Associates, Inc.
Stephen R. Coakley Prinicipal - Horizon Consulting

Self Defense Classes
We feel strongly about helping people develop confidence, teach them ways to stay safe, and help them practice techniques to defend themselves if necessary. Unfortunately, in today’s world, there is a risk of being faced with dangerous situations, but there are definitely ways to minimize your risk and maximize your chances of staying safe and protecting yourself.
Gather a group of people you care about to learn and practice:
Awareness of surroundings
How to avoid becoming a victim in the first place
Confident voice and body language to minimize your risk of becoming a victim
Use of voice and physical techniques to defend yourself in dangerous situations
How to physically defend yourself in extreme circumstances
Groups who have benefit from our private self-defense seminars:
Moms and daughters
Students getting ready to leave for college
Girl Scout groups
Mall employees
Neighborhood friends
Give us a call to schedule a private Self-Defense class for your group!
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Girl scout seminar participant
The day after participating in a weekend Girl Scout seminar, we received a call from a mom thanking us for helping her middle school daughter stay safe. She was with a friend at an evening event at their school, when they were approached outside by a man trying to lure them to a dark area of the parking lot. As he advanced upon them, the student who took our seminar used her voice and put her hands up yelling at him and attracting attention. Her friend was frozen in fear, not able to speak up and did not know what to do. The man became nervous and ran away, and the student’s mom told us that had her daughter not practiced the techniques she needed to scare the man away, she doesn’t know what would have happened.
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Karate mom
One of our student’s moms shared with us that in the middle of the afternoon, she was followed by a man through a Potomac grocery store while doing her shopping. He continued to follow her into the parking lot, and as she approached her car, he came up very closely behind her, and attempted to grab her. She remembered what she learned from Master Marco, she quickly turned around, put her hands up in front of her, swinging at him with her gallon of laundry detergent she was holding, and yelled at him to “STOP and GET AWAY!” She continued to yell at him, attract attention, and then he became disoriented, nervous, apologized and ran away into a van parked near her. She got his license number, immediately called the police and filed a report. Unfortunately, they never caught him, but FORTUNATELY she was safe.
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College student seminar participant
After participating in this program, a young woman shared that unfortunately she became a victim of an attempted sexual assault, but the tools she learned saved her. Her body remembered the simple defense techniques she learned and practiced in the seminar, and since they were natural body movements and not complicated martial arts techniques, she was able to use them effectively. She also said that all she could hear were the voices of her fellow students yelling “NO!” and reminding her to scream, and fight her way to safety. Thankfully she was able to stay safe because of what she had practiced.
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12-year old black belt student
We received a phone call late one evening from the mother of one of our long time students, telling us that her son had been jogging in their neighborhood in the late afternoon, when a van pulled up beside him, and a man attempted to grab him and pull him into the van. She said that because of his training, he was able to kick and punch his way out of his grasp and run away to safety. They said that because of his training with Master Marco and the confidence he developed, he was able to have the courage to fight back. We are so grateful he is safe and with us today.